Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Save Our Children!

A wise man once said, "The greatness of any civilization is measured by the treatment of its weakest members." America has always been a great nation. We enjoy unrivaled personal and civil liberties. And yet, we are now a nation in undeniable decline. How did we get here?

To put it simply, we have forgotten ourselves, where we came from and where we're going.

* We have abandoned spiritual principles that brought us greatness, turning "freedom of religion" into "freedom from religion," poisoning decency and sacrificing the common good in the name of "tolerance" and "individualism."

* We have robbed our children of their right to take their place as vital members of society, having abandoned and neglected them on one hand, and and overindulged and under-disciplined them on the other.

* We have wasted our natural abundance and vast resources, allowing those less fortunate -- both around the world and in our own backyard -- to die of poverty.

* Above all, we have sacrificed millions of young lives -- both born and not-yet born -- in the name of freedom.
Today my friend Sarah posted this YouTube video that is a must-see for any woman -- especially any African American woman -- who has ever considered abortion. It is profoundly ironic how the abortion industry has waged "Black Genocide," legally, by swathing itself in red-white-and-blue bunting and calling it a "choice" rather than a "child."

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us and on the whole world.

Our two Democratic presidential contenders have the blood of thousands and thousands of preborn children on their hands. Senator Obama has gone so far as to argue in favor of actually denying medical care to children who survive abortion. (For more information about "Democrats for Life," click here.)

Five hundred thousand children across our nation are being herded together into group homes, or are kept in permanent "limbo" without a family to call their own. (Here is information about how to become a foster or adoptive parent.)

Four hundred thousand children are in a state of embryonic suspended animation, abandoned by the very people who were willing to go to any lengths to have a child -- even if that meant sacrificing their own flesh-and-blood. (If you would like to rescue one of these little ones, click here for more information on the "Snowflakes" program.)

In the first four centuries of Christianity -- when the Catholic faith was considered a dangerous Jewish sect, and our leaders were routinely rounded up and executed by the Roman State -- history records that thousands of Roman citizens nevertheless converted because of the witness of the lives of these ordinary Christians. In particular, they were admired for tending to those in prisons and hospitals ... and because of their efforts to rescue and raise as their own countless abandoned Roman infants (infanticide was legal in the Roman Empire up to eight days of age).

There is a lesson for us here ... The question is, how will you respond?


Jane (a.k.a. patjrsmom) said...

Excellent, Heidi!
If we as a pro-life people can't put our money where our mouths are then we're just as culpable as those who are anti-choice--perhaps moreso because we know the value of each life hanging in the balance.

God Bless,

Anne Marie said...

Wow. I'm linking to this post. I'm writing on a similar topic but maybe I'll just say "what she said" and leave it at that.

I wrote you a few weeks ago about adoption of foster kids and you posted about not giving up even when you're getting jerked around by the system. Our agency is talking to us about a 9 year old boy. Could you include him and us in your prayers?

Thanks, Anne Marie