Sunday, August 17, 2008

A Week in a Word: "Whew!"

Craig just walked out the door, to spend one more week in California.

I miss him already. So do the kids (Chris hid upstairs, as though he thought that if his dad didn't actually hug him goodbye, he wouldn't be able to leave at all).

Initially I had made plans to leave the house on a road trip with the kids ... but in the end, I realized it was simply too much. What we needed most was not frantic activity, but settled peacefulness. Road trips are always better with Dad, anyway.

So, we're going to take it down a notch. Maybe a day trip to Henry Ford Museum or the water park. Bake some cookies. Work in the schoolbooks that have lain dormant all summer. I might even crack open my German text. Anything could happen.

A week to connect with my kids before school starts.

A week to shift gears, to relax, to bring order and calm to a place that by all counts has become rather ... disordered and chaotic.

And in the spirit of connectedness ... I think I'll give cyberspace a break for a while. See you next week! Why not use the time to catch up at EMN or BYM?


MightyMom said...

aaahhh, down time is GOOD time!!

Barb Szyszkiewicz said...

Down time is so necessary...have a great week.